Exinda 4010 re-purposing with Ubuntu (or Debian)

I wanted a quick and dirty route reflector for my home lab (more on that to come) and ended up repurposing an old Exinda 4010 WAN optimiser I had lying about. This unit is really just a re-branded Lanner FW-8756 (refer user manual), a generic x64-64 platform in a 1U rackmount case. It features six Intel gigabit Ethernet ports which was perfect for my intended use case.

It’s certainly not fancy; in the unit I have we find:

  • Intel Pentium E5300 CPU (dual core, x86-64, VT-x virtualisation support)
  • 4GB RAM (expandable to 8GB by adding another DIMM although more might be possible).
  • 500GB SATA HDD (replaceable – the bracket can also has holes to accommodate 2x 2.5″ HDDs but standoffs are required for the SATA cables to clear the motherboard).
  • 100Mbps Realtek management port with PXE support
  • 6x Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet ports
  • 2x front panel USB 2.0 ports (plus an internal header for more ports)

In this case my intention was to run a more generic distro on it and install Free Range Routing. In my case I’ve opted for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as it’s popular, well supported and super easy to build an image for. Pretty much any Linux distro will run on it though. Preparing a basic image to copy directly to headless devices like this is pretty straightforward, and much easier than the more common traditional method connecting a monitor to the motherboard headers and booting off an external drive.

This post will focus on getting this specific unit running as a generic Linux box, as well as explaining the process used for building an image that should work with minimal effort on a large range of similar devices.

I’ve also since tried this on a Watchguard M400 which is another rebranded Lanner product with a similiar design. The only major difference to the steps below being that there is no LAN bypass feature to worry about and the network interface name for the first Gigabit port is enp3s0.

Disable LAN Bypass

When I originally tried running a vanilla distro on the FW-8756 I couldn’t get the gigabit Ethernet ports to detect a link, despite everything looking normal in the OS.

It turns out the FW-8756 is one of several similar models with a “LAN bypass” feature. This consists of a series of bistable relays that can electrically connect each pair of network interfaces on the front panel, bypassing the NICs on the motherboard entirely. The bypass feature is software controllable via an I2C interface.

The FW-8756 platform was designed for use by WAN optimisers (as the Exinda 4010 is), so this bypass feature means that when it fails or is shut down the network link can continue to function as normal, albeit without the optimisation features provided by the unit.

This is all very clever except that it the default state is to go into bypass mode by default and isolate the ports from the internal NICs until switched over by a software included in the original firmware. When we install a generic OS there is no means out of the box to switch this over, and the LAN Bypass settings in the BIOS appeared to have no effect.

Rather than fudge a software fix, it appeared from the board layout that U93 next to the mini PCI slot was likely to be responsible for controlling this feature. There is an unmarked and undocumented jumper on the motherboard near this slot that appears to disable this bypass function permanently, making the network interfaces behave normally. There is an amber LED (LED12) near this jumper that appears to illuminate steadily when the LAN bypass function is operational, and flash when it is in bypass mode.

To make the network interfaces function with a generic Linux distro like Ubuntu you should permanently disable the LAN bypass feature entirely. Move the jumper so that it bridges pins 2-3 (closest to the front panel). The unit must be completely powered off (i.e. physically remove the power cord for at least five seconds) for this to apply.

If LED12 does not illuminate then the bypass feature is properly disabled and the LAN ports will function normally.

Serial Console and BIOS Reset

In the case of the Exinda 4010 I wasn’t able to get a serial console immediately so resorted to resetting the BIOS via the jumper next to the battery. After this I was able to get access to the console at 9600 8N1 using a common Cisco-style serial cable.

The instructions below assume the use of screen as a terminal emulator, although you can use your preferred application (e.g. minicom, HyperTerminal, PuTTY, etc). Ensure you use ANSI terminal mode so that the output displays correctly. Command line terminal emulators typically rely on the TERM environment variable for this, e.g:

TERM=ansi screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600

When the device is first booted after a BIOS reset the machine will pause for input during POST, requiring F1 to be pressed to enter the BIOS setup. Several options exist:

  • Some terminal emulators will interpret F1 properly – just press the key and away you go.
  • Connecting a USB keyboard to the machine itself and pressing F1 also works as an alternative.
  • If your terminal emulator doesn’t interpret the F1 key, another option is to quit the terminal emulator and run the commands below from a shell. The first command sets the serial port to 9600 baud and the second sends an escape character followed by the letters OP which combine to simulate pressing F1.
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
echo -e '\eOP' > /dev/ttyUSB0

To enter the BIOS setup on subsequent boots press the tab key during POST instead of F1.

In most cases (including if you flash the image I’ve described below) I’d recommend setting the following settings in the BIOS to improve serial access:

Advanced -> Remote Access:

  • Serial Port Mode: 115200 8, n, 1
  • Terminal Type: VT100

From this point on you should connect to the serial console at 115200 baud.

Quick Start

If you just want to use the thing and don’t care about making an image yourself, here are the basic steps:

  1. Download the image.
  2. Decompress and write the image directly to a disk:
    zcat ubuntu-focal_exinda4010_amd64.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M oflag=direct status=progress
  3. Optionally grow the partition size and filesystem to fill the disk:
    sudo parted /dev/sdb resizepart 1 100%
    sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
    sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb1
  4. Insert the disk into the device and boot it up.
  5. Access the device via serial or SSH.

Creating an Image From Scratch

If you would prefer to create an image from scratch rather than download a pre-made one you can do so using the following method.

As I’m opting for Ubuntu and using debootstrap to create the image, these steps will need to be run on a system running a Debian derivative of some type (including Ubuntu itself).

Install debootstrap on your system:

sudo apt install debootstrap

Now we need to decide on the storage media. You could either make a disk image file and perform all the operations in that, or do all the work directly on a disk.


If you opt for a disk then connect it to the system you are building the image on (e.g. via a USB adapter) and immediately check dmesg for the device node:

dmesg| tail
[110875.167672] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: 1254201617020
[110875.175233] scsi host7: uas
[110875.176092] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ASMT     2115             0    PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[110875.176833] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
[110875.179118] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] 31277232 512-byte logical blocks: (16.0 GB/14.9 GiB)
[110875.179248] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[110875.179264] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 00
[110875.179480] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[110875.179880] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Optimal transfer size 33553920 bytes
[110875.203855] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk

In the above example the disk is /dev/sdb but yours may vary slightly. If it is different to sdb then you will need to modify all of the commands in the examples below to suit.

Image File

As an alternative to directly connecting the disk, create a 4GB image file we can using the following command:

 dd if=/dev/zero of=exinda-4010-ubuntu-focal-amd64.img bs=1M count=1 seek=4095

This generates a 4GB “sparse” (also known as thin provisioned) file; although ls will report it as 4GB in size, du will show the disk usage as the actual space used up by the file. This process saves writing out a large number of zeros to fill the file, although at the risk of filling the parent filesystem as the file is written to later if there is insufficient space available.

Now set up the image as a loop device so that we can treat it just like a normal block device (i.e. disk):

sudo losetup --show -f exinda-4010-ubuntu-focal-amd64.img

Note the output of the above command; this is the path to the loopback device (e.g. /dev/loop0).

From here use this path as the path to the disk for the remaining commands in this post. The rest of the process is exactly the same.

Partition and Format

The first step is to create a partition table, partition and format the disk, regardless of whether you opted for an image file or directly writing to disk. Don’t blindly copy and paste these commands – you will need to bear in mind the path to the disk or image file and use what is appropriate for your system.

sudo parted /dev/sdb mklabel msdos

Create a primary partition that fills the disk:

sudo parted /dev/sdb mkpart pri ext2 0% 100%

If you used a disk, the path to the new partition device is likely the same as the disk path with a 1 appended (e.g. /dev/sdb1). If you are using an image attached with a loopback device, the partition path will be the loop device appended with p1 (e.g. /dev/loop0p1). Now create an ext4 filesystem in the new partition:

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

Mount the new partition to a location on your system. In many cases the /mnt directory is a good choice, unless you’ve already used it for something else in which case you can probably figure out how to make a suitable mount point of your own. 🙂

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

Build the Image

Now use debootstrap to build a base operating system image. The two major arguments you need are:

  • Distro codename (e.g. focal for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”).
  • Path to a mirror to use for downloading packages.

Consult your preferred distro documentation to find out what codenames and mirror locations to use. The command below will work for Ubuntu 20.04 from the New Zealand mirror. If you are not in New Zealand then you may wish to substitute nz. with your own country code, or remove it altogether for the primary Ubuntu mirror:

sudo debootstrap focal /mnt http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

Once that’s done, mount the /dev tree inside the image so that the disk devices on your system are accessible while in the chroot:

sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev

Now chroot into the image to get a root shell. Note that we should set the locale to C to avoid warnings being thrown about locale mis-matches when running some commands. We can fix up locales later.

LANG=C sudo chroot /mnt

Temporarily mount /proc and /sys so the chroot environment looks like a normal root file system and other things work as expected:

mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys

Configure and Update the Image

Add an entry for the root filesystem to /etc/fstab (noting the disk path used by the blkid command should match the one you used in previous steps):

cat << EOF > /etc/fstab
UUID=$(blkid /dev/sdb1 | cut -d\" -f2) / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1

If you are using Ubuntu, ensure the updates and security repositories are enabled and then patch the image with the latest packages:

cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security main restricted universe multiverse

apt update
apt -y dist-upgrade

Install the kernel image, the GRUB bootloader, SSH and some other useful tools for the system:

apt -y install linux-image-generic grub2-common openssh-server bridge-utils ethtool

Clear out the package cache to reduce the image size a little:

apt clean

Add the following config to /etc/default/grub to enable the serial console, we well as disabling the existing quiet boot mode so that kernel messages are logged to the console:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)
GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"

Disable the GRUB OS prober – this prevents the GRUB update command from adding entries for operating systems on other disks in the host system:

rm /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober

Update GRUB config to apply the above changes and then write the GRUB bootloader to the disk. Note the disk path again – change this to suit your system if need be.

grub-install /dev/sdb

Set the hostname (feel free to change this to anything you like):

echo exinda > /etc/hostname

Generate a basic network config for the management port (enp7s1). We can either use DHCP or set a static IP address – up to you! If you’d rather use the first gigabit network port then change enp7s1 to ens32 in the examples below. Other configurations are also possible.

DHCP Config

Run this command to generate network configuration to obtain an IP address via DHCP:

cat << EOF > /etc/netplan/01-default.yaml
  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: true

Static IP Config

Run this command to generate network configuration to configure a static IP address:

cat << EOF > /etc/netplan/01-default.yaml
  version: 2
  renderer: networkd

The final step is to make a group called admin (this enables sudo access out of the box in Ubuntu) and user account to log in with that is a member of this group. The third command sets the password for this user.

groupadd admin
useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/user -G admin user
passwd user

Finish Up

That’s it! Exit the chroot, then unmount the filesystems before disconnecting the disk:

sudo umount /mnt/{dev,proc,sys} /mnt

If you used an image file instead of writing directly to a disk there are a couple of extra steps. If you intend to compress the image for distribution then you can choose to zeroise any unused blocks from old files that were removed during patching to further improve compression – this almost halved the size of the compressed image in my case. This step is purely optional and a downside is that it will fill up a sparse image file with zeros causing it to take up the entire space on disk:

sudo zerofree /dev/loop0p1

Finally, if you are working on an image file then you should remove the loopback device attached to the image:

sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0

From here the drive can be installed directly into the Exinda appliance. If you opted for an image file then write this to a suitable disk and install that, e.g:

sudo dd if=exinda-4010-ubuntu-focal-amd64.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M oflag=direct status=progress

Filesystem Expansion

The image I created is only 4GB, so if you want to use all of the space on a bigger disk it’s pretty easy to expand this after writing it to a disk.

First resize the partition:

sudo parted /dev/sdb resizepart 1 100%

Then force a filesystem check and resize it:

sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1
sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb1


Connect a serial cable and start session at 115600 baud using your favourite terminal emulator, e.g:

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Make sure the system boots up and that you can login using the credentials supplied when making the image.

Alternatively you should be able to access the unit via SSH on the management interface.

From here it’s just another Linux box so do with it what you please!

Footnote: Exinda 4010 Hardware Info

A couple of quick hardware stats from the Exinda 4010 for those interested:

Architecture:        x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):      32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:          Little Endian
CPU(s):              2
On-line CPU(s) list: 0,1
Thread(s) per core:  1
Core(s) per socket:  2
Socket(s):           1
NUMA node(s):        1
Vendor ID:           GenuineIntel
CPU family:          6
Model:               23
Model name:          Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E5300  @ 2.60GHz
Stepping:            10
CPU MHz:             1227.586
BogoMIPS:            5186.89
Virtualization:      VT-x
L1d cache:           32K
L1i cache:           32K
L2 cache:            2048K
NUMA node0 CPU(s):   0,1
Flags:               fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl cpuid aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm xsave lahf_lm pti tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority dtherm

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset DRAM Controller (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 1 (rev 01)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 2 (rev 01)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 3 (rev 01)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 4 (rev 01)
00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH/GHM (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 5 (rev 01)
00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH/GHM (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 6 (rev 01)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 01)
00:1d.1 USB controller: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 01)
00:1d.2 USB controller: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 01)
00:1d.3 USB controller: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 01)
00:1d.7 USB controller: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 01)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev e1)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR (ICH7 Family) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 01)
00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family SATA Controller [IDE mode] (rev 01)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family SMBus Controller (rev 01)
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
07:01.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8100/8101L/8139 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (rev 10)

Creating a bootable Windows USB installer in Linux


I recently had a case to install Windows Server 2016 on a Dell PowerEdge R630 server. Microsoft make the ISO images available for download on their website, however the Windows Server 2016 ISO clocks in at over 6GB. Actually getting the server to boot and install from this ISO image was surprisingly difficult:

  • It’s too large for a regular DVD-R disc, and I didn’t have any dual-layer discs on hand.
  • The ISO image contains a file (install.wim) that is greater than 4GB, so won’t fit on a FAT32 filesystem as created by tools such as Unetbootin.
  • There is a command in Windows (dism) to split a WIM file but hadn’t come across any Linux tools to date. Update: wimlib can do this and means you can probably do this on a legacy FAT filesystem after all!
  • It’s too large to fit into Dell vFlash which has a image size limit of 4GB (presumably as it uses FAT32 internally).
  • Tools that were known to work such as Rufus and the Microsoft USB imager only run in Windows, which I didn’t have handy.
  • The ISO mounting capability via the server iDRAC console actually worked, but was painfully slow (hours).

So I set about to find a way to make a bootable Windows USB stick when you’ve only got immediate access to a Linux box. This took a few attempts to get right but turns out to be relatively simple. I imagine this will also be perfectly doable on a Mac as well, with a few modified commands.


Here’s the actual process to create a bootable Windows installer on a USB stick from a Windows installer ISO image for a UEFI system. This should work for any Windows version released over the last decade or so. Secure Boot must be disabled for this to work.

WARNING: This will erase any existing data on the USB stick!

You will need:

Plug the USB stick in and run dmesg to see what identifier it gets:

[28959.294103] usb 4-1: new SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 15 using xhci_hcd
[28959.319266] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0781, idProduct=5581, bcdDevice= 1.00
[28959.319278] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[28959.319282] usb 4-1: Product: Ultra
[28959.319286] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: SanDisk
[28959.319290] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: 1234567890
[28959.321513] usb-storage 4-1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
[28959.322014] scsi host7: usb-storage 4-1:1.0
[28960.347536] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access     SanDisk  Ultra            1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[28960.348477] scsi 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
[28960.349336] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] 60063744 512-byte logical blocks: (30.8 GB/28.6 GiB)
[28960.350654] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[28960.350664] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 00
[28960.351430] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[28960.399678]  sdb: sdb1 sdb2
[28960.402932] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk

In this case the disk shows up as sdb, so the device we’ll use for this exercise is /dev/sdb. Yours may vary depending on how many disks you have connected to the system so you will need to modify the remaining commands accordingly.

The first step is to create a new GPT partition table:

sudo parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt

Create an exFAT partition for the Windows ISO contents. We’ll set the partition type as NTFS; that is correct for exFAT. For the sake of simplicity I suggest using 0% and 99% as the boundaries as the exFAT driver filesystem image is only 512k. It’s a quick hack that saves calculating partition sizes and also helps ensure that parted correctly block aligns the partitions.

We’ll also need to enable the msftdata flag on the partition and then format it with an exFAT filesystem:

sudo parted /dev/sdb mkpart winsetup ntfs 0% 99%
sudo parted /dev/sdb set 1 msftdata on
sudo mkfs.exfat -n winsetup /dev/sdb1

Mount the Windows ISO and the exFAT USB stick partition. I suggest making some temporary working directory for these:

mkdir -p /tmp/{iso,usb}
sudo mount ~/Downloads/Windows_Server_2016_Datacenter_EVAL_en-us_14393_refresh.iso /tmp/iso -o loop,ro
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/usb
cp -r /tmp/iso/* /tmp/usb/

Now create a partition for the exFAT/NTFS driver, and set the msftdata flag on this partition as well:

sudo parted /dev/sdb mkpart uefi-ntfs 99% 100%
sudo parted /dev/sdb set 2 msftdata on

We don’t need to format this one, we’ll just copy the Rufus driver image directly to it:

sudo dd if=~/Downloads/uefi-ntfs.img of=/dev/sdb2 bs=512k count=1

The last step is to clean up. Unmount the partitions and remove the temporary mount point directories:

sudo umount /tmp/{iso,usb} && sudo rmdir /tmp/{iso,usb}

From here you can remove the USB stick and use it to deploy Windows!

Fixing reused certificate issuer and serial in Firefox the proper way

Sometimes when deploying stuff in the lab with self-signed certificates I find myself quickly rebuilding VMs after making breaking changes. Normally that’s not a problem, except when Firefox is being used to access the rebuilt VM occasionally we might see this error:

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as an existing cert, but that is not the same cert.


The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.

Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

I often see this occur with Foreman where the default configuration relies on the Puppet CA for certificate issuing.

In theory you should be able to fix this by heading to Settings -> Privacy & Security -> View Certificates, selecting the Servers tab and then deleting the offending entry. In practice, however, this doesn’t often work.

Some forum posts suggest removing the entire certificate database. This works, but it’s a bit heavy handed as it clears out any other exceptions you may have saved in the past.

To fix this properly we need to use certutil as included with the Mozilla NSS tools. This command shouldn’t be confused with certutil.exe included with Windows, which is completely unrelated!

In install certutil on Ubuntu we need the libnss3-tools package:

sudo apt install libnss3-tools

In macOS, I recommend using Homebrew or MacPorts to install the nss package e.g:

brew install nss

Quit Firefox if it’s running. In theory it’s possible to do this in-place with SQL NSS databases but I’ve found it a bit hit and miss in practice.

First we need to figure out the Firefox profile directory. The configuration for this is usually in ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini(Linux) or ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles.ini (Mac).

Identify the Path to your profile directory, in this case



So in this case my profile directory would be ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/w6znk57b.default in Linux or ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/w6znk57b.default on Mac. Yours may vary slightly – just note that the Path entry is relative to the location of profiles.ini so you need to include any subdirectories in your commands. Note that the path is case sensitive.

From here we can use certutil to list the certificates (-L) in this store to find the offending entry. Modern versions of Firefox use the SQL NSS database, so we need to provide the location of the database in the form of sql:path.

A tip here – it might be useful to use grep to filter for the common name of the certificate used by the page throwing the error.

certutil -d sql:$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/w6znk57b.default -L

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA                               ,,   
DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1                             ,,   
R3                                                           ,,   
Amazon                                                       ,,   
GTS CA 1O1                                                   ,,   
foreman1.lab.example                                         ,,   

In this case the foreman1.lab.example entry is the offending one that we want to remove. To get rid of it we use the certutil delete command (-D) and specify the certificate nickname listed above after the -n argument. I recommend putting quotes around the nickname in case it includes spaces.

certutil -d sql:$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/w6znk57b.default -Dn "foreman1.lab.example"

If certutil doesn’t return any messages then it’s likely to have worked. To verify we can simply run the list command again to check:

certutil -d sql:$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/w6znk57b.default -L
Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA                               ,,   
DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1                             ,,   
R3                                                           ,,   
Amazon                                                       ,,   
GTS CA 1O1                                                   ,,  

At this point you should be able to reload the offending site and it should now work (although you will likely be prompted to accept the certificate again!).

If the above steps don’t work, try closing Firefox and repeating the delete command without the sql: prefix.

Using Vagrant with libvirt/QEMU/KVM (goodbye VMware ESXi!)

I’ve been using a VMware ESXi box as the foundation for a home lab for many years now, but without the benefit of the full (expensive!) vSphere/vCenter suite it’s a relatively tedious affair for managing anything beyond a tiny handful of virtual machines. I’ve recently begun using Vagrant for making bulk provisioning much faster, easier and more repeatable. It works well with VMware Fusion on the MacBook but I find the ESXi support a little lacking by comparison. It’s functional but has network configuration quirks and is very slow to provision VMs as it relies on copying the image to the ESXi host for every VM creation.

I recently had an attempt at interfacing Vagrant to libvirt/KVM/QEMU, the native virtualisation stack in Linux, and it’s a breath of fresh air! I’ve now replaced ESXi completely in favour of this setup.

Here’s a quick guide for anyone who is new to the process. While it would help to have basic familiarity with Vagrant, libvirt and Linux networking, I’ve tried to make this as easy as possible to get started.

I’m basing this example on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The same basic concepts apply to any Linux-based operating system, however you’ll need to adapt the instructions if you wish to use a different distro.

Networking Background

In the first instance I’ll attempt to explain some Linux networking basics to help provide some background for those relatively new to Linux virtualisation. VMware ESXi makes networking a fairly point-and-click affair; in Linux you’ll need to learn how to configure networking a bit more manually.

For the sake of keeping this article as simple as possible I won’t get into VLANs just yet; I’ll save that for a later post. In the example below I’ll be sharing the same network with the VMs and the host.

When using Linux virtualisation, the most common way to attach networks to virtual machines is to use bridges – these are essentially a software representation of a network switch (a switch is in fact a multi-port bridge!). This mimics the method that is most commonly done with VMware ESXi.

In the case of this post we’ll create a new bridge interface called br-mgmt. You can call it anything you like (within reason) but maintaining a naming convention helps to make interfaces easier to identify when you are managing the system. I often use the br- prefix followed by a short label for the function of the bridge. In this case I’ve used mgmt as this is will be the interface I use for accessing and managing the host.

Because I’ll be using this bridge on the same network as the one I’m accessing the host itself, we’ll need to ensure that:

  • The physical network interface of the host is attached to the bridge, and
  • The IP address used for accessing the host is attached to the bridge interface, not the physical interface.

We’ll cover this in the next section.

Network Setup

As I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 we’ll configure networking using Netplan. Although Netplan lacks a significant amount of advanced functionality, it’s relatively simple to set up and comes supplied out of the box. I don’t recommend you disable Netplan unless you are experienced enough to deal with networking via another means.

If you are using a different distro you will need to consult the distro documentation for instructions instead.

First find the interface name for the NIC in your machine using the ip address command; the exact name will depend on the hardware configuration of your machine:

ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel master eno1 state UP group
    link/ether 54:52:00:d3:f5:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eno1
       valid_lft 1227sec preferred_lft 1227sec
    inet6 fe80::1cf3:edff:fe8c:3ca3/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

In this case the physical interface name is eno1 and it has the IP address If the interface name on your own host is different then you will need to substitute it accordingly in the instructions below.

We’ll create a new Netplan configuration to:

  • Remove the IP address from the physical interface.
  • Disable DHCP on the physical interface so it doesn’t try to get an IP address automatically.
  • Create a new bridge called br-mgmt.
  • Attach the physical interface as a member of the br-mgmt bridge.
  • Assign an IP address via DHCP to the bridge.

Back up and remove any existing configuration from Netplan:

mkdir netplan_backup
sudo mv /etc/netplan/* netplan_backup

Now save the following contents into a file called /etc/netplan/network.yaml:

version: 2
renderer: networkd
    dhcp4: false
    accept-ra: false
    dhcp4: true
      - eno1


  • If your physical interface is not eno1 then you will need to change both entries the above config example to suit your system.
  • If you are using the desktop version of Ubuntu ensure you set renderer: NetworkManager instead on networkd!

Once that’s done, apply the changes:

sudo netplan apply

And use the ip address and bridge link commands to verify that the new configuration has applied properly:

ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel master eno1 state UP group
    link/ether 54:52:00:d3:f5:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: br-mgmt: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 54:52:00:d3:f5:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute br-mgmt
       valid_lft 1227sec preferred_lft 1227sec
    inet6 fe80::1cf3:edff:fe8c:3ca3/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

bridge link
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master br-mgmt state forwarding priority 32 cost 100

From here we can see the eno1 interface is a member of the br-mgmt bridge and that the bridge has obtained an IP address from DHCP.

Let’s now install libvirt and Vagrant.


Install libvirt:

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients

Install Vagrant from the official repos (based on these instructions):

curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vagrant

Install necessary components for Vagrant and libvirt to play nicely together:

apt-get build-dep vagrant ruby-libvirt
apt-get install ebtables dnsmasq-base
apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libvirt-dev zlib1g-dev ruby-dev
apt-get install libguestfs-tools

Ensure you are a member of the libvirt group so you can manage VMs without sudo:

sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $USER

Log out and in to apply the group membership. At this point we should be all ready to go!

Vagrant Quick Start

Make a new directory for our project (e.g. lab1) and change into it:

mkdir lab1
cd lab1

We’ll also need the Vagrant libvirt plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt

We need to create a Vagrantfile to define how our lab will look. In this case I’m going to create a lab with two VMs, both on the br-mgmt network with a fixed IP of our choosing. All will run Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

HostnameCPU CountRAM (GB)IP Address

Create a Vagrantfile to define some VMs using the template below. Note the custom network bridge to suit the bridge name we used in Netplan! The contents below should be saved as a file called Vagrantfile in the current working directory.

# Use libvirt as the default provider

# Name of the bridge interface created in the steps above
bridge_iface = "br-mgmt"

# Define CPU count, memory (MB) and public IP addresses
# You can add any few or many lines as you like, assuming there is sufficient resource to run them!
nodes = {
  "vm1" => [2, 3072, ''],
  "vm2" => [1, 1024, ''],
  "vm3" => [1, 2048, ''],

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  # Use Ubuntu Focal image
  config.vm.box = "generic/ubuntu2004"

  # Apply config to each VM
  nodes.each do | (name, cfg) |
    numvcpus, memory, ipaddr = cfg
    config.vm.define name do |node|
      node.vm.hostname = name
      node.vm.network :public_network,
        :dev => bridge_iface,
        :mode => bridge",
        :type => "bridge",
        :ip => ipaddr

      node.vm.synced_folder('.', '/Vagrantfiles', type: 'rsync')

      node.vm.provider :libvirt do |v|
        v.memory = memory
        v.cpus = numvcpus

Now to start the VMs run this command:

vagrant up

The first attempt might be a bit slow as the image will need to be downloaded and cached.

If you want to verify that the VMs are running you can use the virsh list command:

virsh list

 Id   Name               State
 1    libvirt_vm1        running
 3    libvirt_vm2        running
 4    libvirt_vm3        running

To shut down VMs but retain their state:

vagrant halt

If you want to completely delete the VMs run the following command.

vagrant destroy

If you modify the configuration of any existing VMs in the Vagrantfile then you will need to destroy those VMs and rebuild then again using vagrant up.

To access a VM for administration, use vagrant ssh <hostname>, e.g:

vagrant ssh vm1

If you install any applications on the VMs then they should be accessible on the network via the IP addresses we set above.

Desktop App

If you are running this on a desktop machine then you can use the Virt Manager app to view and interact with the VMs. First ensure that it is installed:

sudo apt install virt-manager

From here you should be able to run the Virtual Machine Manager application from your desktop:


There we have it, a quick crash course in using Vagrant to drive libvirt! In coming posts I’ll describe a bit more about common tasks in libvirt and also using Vagrant and Ansible together to automatically configure the VMs after deployment, which is where the real power comes into this toolset!